Coppell Vision 2040 FAQs

Coppell Vision 2040 FAQs

What will be the structure of the Vision 2040 process?

Vision 2040 will start with the Community Survey, which will examine the issues that are shaping the future of Coppell. This survey will run concurrently with other phases of the visioning process, including in-person engagement. The first in-person engagement workshop will be a Think Tank in June, 2018, in which four plausible scenarios for Coppell will be developed. These scenarios will be introduced to the wider community in 20-25 Engagement Workshops and focus groups in August, September and October 2018. The Think Tank will reconvene in late 2018. This will enable the identification of areas of shared vision for Coppell. Finally, action steps will be identified for the future of Coppell.

How do the Engagement Workshops in August, September and October connect to the Think Tank and Community Survey?

The Community Survey will ask local stakeholders for their input and opinions on a range of issues impacting the City that will be identified through research and interviews. Citizens will also be encouraged to give their views through a range of open-ended questions. The Think Tank will highlight some of the results from the Community Survey and produce the plausible scenarios through in-depth scenario planning with Coppell citizens. The Engagement Workshops will connect to the Community Survey and Think Tank, as they will bring the scenarios out into the wider community for consideration. This enables all sections of the Coppell community to discuss how it could look in the future, under each of the scenarios.

How will people be selected for the Think Tank workshop?

The Think Tank workshop will be held on June 25 and 26, 2018 and will involve stakeholders who will represent a cross-section of Coppell. Participants will include various representatives from organizations, institutions, age groups and locations from across Coppell. There will also be an open application process inviting people to apply to attend the Think Tank. All applicants will be invited to attend.

I wasn’t at the Think Tank. Why should I be part of the Engagement Workshops?

Your input is critical to the overall Vision 2040 process. The Think Tank will create the four broad plausible scenarios which will be discussed in some detail during the Engagement Workshops. We are asking you to react to these scenarios and the underlying key issues. In particular the Engagement Workshops will help us to explore implications and appetite for change. We need you to tell us where you think Coppell needs to be in 2040. The process needs your input

How will my input be used from the Engagement Workshops?

The exit surveys from the Engagement Workshops will be collected and analyzed. Your input in these paper surveys will contribute to the overall results and action steps of the visioning process.

How can I see the input that is being collected and what is the Data Visualization Platform?

The Data Visualization Platform will enable citizens to look at stakeholder views on the preferred and expected futures from the scenarios, and filter the data by gender, age, geography and demographics. You will also be able to explore the responses to a range of key sensitivity-based questions, and explore the type and size of change people want. This Platform will be accessible through this portal.

What are the intended outcomes from the Vision 2040 process?

Information will be gathered from the collection of all reports, engagement results and analyses in order to generate an initiative and priority project matrix. This matrix will provide the basis for the Roadmap and key measures to be presented as part of the final Coppell Vision 2040 Plan.

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the Coppell Vision 2040 project, please contact:

Molly Bujanda
City of Coppell, TX
Phone: 972-462-5165