
Respondents were asked to respond to a question about Housing. The question was:

Looking to the future, how do you think housing issues should be addressed? Please select your preference on the following continuum: 1= ‘Housing stock and availability is dictated by the marketplace, as the community continues to be attractive due to its proximity and location’, to 10 = ‘The community should encourage housing stock to transform, creating innovation and new housing options’

Key things to note:

  • Respondents between the ages of 31-40 years felt more strongly that the community should encourage housing stock to transform, creating innovation and new housing options
  • Those who were interested most in Economic and Development issues felt strongly that the community should encourage housing stock to transform

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the Coppell Vision 2040 project, please contact:

Molly Bujanda
City of Coppell, TX
Phone: 972-462-5165
Email: 2040@coppelltx.gov