NADO Scenario-Based Think Tank

NADO Scenario-Based Think Tank

NADO’s scenario-based Think Tank was conducted on June 2 & 4, 2018, and included NADO Board Members, National Office staff, and local staff in California. This committed group of stakeholders took a deep-dive into the future by examining important emerging trends and crafting a range of possible future scenarios and strategic priorities for NADO reaching out to 2030.

The NADO scenario-based Think Tank launched the strategic visioning and planning process for the organization and its foundation. The Think Tank explored how NADO would change over time, and in relation to two major themes: ‘Capacity for Innovation’ and ‘Organizational Focus’.

Specifically, the Think Tank aimed to:

  • Deepen the understanding and examination of how external events and local conditions could shape decision-making
  • Identify and understand the key influences, trends, and dynamics that will shape NADO over the next 10 to 20 years
  • Create and describe four plausible long-term scenarios for the organization
  • Begin exploring alignment around a shared future vision and those action steps needed to achieve the preferred vision

This work will provide the basis for broader organizational engagement at NADO’s October 2018 Annual Training Conference.

More Information

For more information and to engage in further discussion regarding this project, please contact:

Joe McKinney, Executive Director
National Association of Development Organization
Tel: 202.921.4441