Key Factors – Average Data

Key Factors – Average Data
Nature of Impact (X Axis) x Preparedness (Y Axis) x Importance of Topic (Circle Size)

This chart combines responses to three questions to create an interactive scatter plot. This visualization shows response data as it relates to all 14 factors. This chart presents the average results based on all respondents.

The chart is structured as follows:

  • X-Axis is the response to the question “Over the next 10 years, do you think expected changes in each of these factors to be positive or negative for Smithville?”The scale is: -5 = Very negative; 0 = Neutral; +5 = Very positive
  • Y-Axis is the response to the question “How well prepared is Smithville to adapt to changes in these issues?”. The scale is: -5 = Not at all well prepared; +5 = Very well prepared
  • Size of the circle is in response to the question “How important do you think the following factors will be to the future of Smithville?”. The scale is: 1 = Not Important; 10 = Critically Important

Key things to note:

  • The factors are generally tightly grouped. The outlier are ‘Proximity to Kansas City Airport (MCI)’ and ‘Quality of Education’. These were both assessed to be factors that the community is well prepared for, and will have a positive future impact.
  • All the factors were seen to have a positive future impact (Nature of Change), except for ‘Autonomous Vehicle Technology’ and ‘Changing Long Term Weather Patterns’. This points to a prevailing view that people generally see the community will see benefits from future changes in many issues.
  • Most of the factors around the mid-point on the preparedness scale. This suggests there is some accelerated work needed to ensure the community is better prepared and well positioned to take advantage of a whole range of issues.
  • Overall, the results of the community survey suggest the community is well placed to succeed in a changing world, with cause for considerable optimism.

More Information

For more information about Forward 2040, please contact:

Stephanie Ellwein, City Administrator
City of Mitchell City Hall
612 North Main Street
Mitchell, SD 57301
Tel: 605.995.8143

More Information

For more information about the overall project:

Heather Branigin, Project Manager
Future iQ