Key Factors – Residency Length Cohort Data

Key Factors – Residency Length Cohort Data
Nature of Impact (X Axis) x Preparedness (Y Axis) x Importance of Topic (Circle Size)

This chart explore the responses based on length of residency. Like in the ‘Key Factor – Average Data’ chart, it combines responses to two questions to create an interactive scatter plot. This visualization shows response data as it relates to all 10 topics. This chart presents the result distribution based on age of Cohorts of respondents.

The chart is structured as follows:

  • X-Axis is the response to the question “Over the next 10 years, do you think expected changes in each of these factors to be positive or negative for Smithville?”The scale is: -5 = Very negative; 0 = Neutral; +5 = Very positive
  • Y-Axis is the response to the question “How well prepared is Smithville to adapt to changes in these issues?”. The scale is: -5 = Not at all well prepared; +5 = Very well prepared
  • Size of the circle is in response to the question “How important do you think the following factors will be to the future of Smithville?”. The scale is: 1 = Not Important; 10 = Critically Important

Key things to note:

  • Overall, there is a surprisingly tight concentration of views between the various cohort groups, suggesting there is a similar perspective shared by much of the community.
  • For each factor, you will be able to look at the concentration of responses between cohorts – some factors count on a very concentrated set of answers, showing agreement between cohorts of respondents. Other factors show a bigger spread, which shows that respondents perceive these issues differently.
  • For the factors where there is not a great concentration, filter by areas of interest, age, or residence location and see how the cloud of responses changes.

More Information

For more information about the City of Smithville Community Visioning project, please contact:

Nickie Lee, Assistant City Administrator
City of Smithville
107 W. Main St
Smithville, MO 64089
Tel: 816.532.3897