Economic and Residential Focus

Economic and Residential Focus

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about Economic and Residential Focus. The question was:

Smithville is growing as a residential community. The future could see the community evolve as a ‘dormitory community’ or grow its own unique business and industry sector offering local employment. What do you think should be the approach to getting the residential and business mix right?

Scale: 1 = ‘Community focuses only on traditional residential amenities that enhance quality of life for residents’; 10 = ‘The community focuses on innovative economic development, such as a building a vibrant downtown corridor, new recreation zones and new business and technology areas’.

Key things to note:

  • Economic development has been consistently highlighted as a key opportunity. The value of this is that it brings additional revenue streams and creates local employment opportunities.
  • The Benchmark Study highlighted the heavy outward commuting pattern in the community, which would support a community view of the value in exploring local economic development.

More Information

For more information about the City of Smithville Community Visioning project, please contact:

Nickie Lee, Assistant City Administrator
City of Smithville
107 W. Main St
Smithville, MO 64089
Tel: 816.532.3897