Future Think-Tank


On June 8, 2019, over 70 committed Smithville citizens took a deep-dive into the future. They spent the day examining important emerging trends and crafting a range of possible future scenarios for Smithville reaching out to 2030.
The Future Think Tank launched the City of Smithville visioning and strategic action plan initiative, focusing on:
  • A review of global trends and the impact of these trends on Smithville
  • Formulation of the different plausible scenario ‘spaces’ and development of detailed narratives and descriptions of each scenario
  • Examination of the impact and consequences of each scenario on various aspects of community and economic development in Smithville
  • Identification of the preferred future and critical actions steps to achieve the preferred future
  • The Think Tank explored how Smithville would change over time, depending on how a number of major themes played out.
The scenarios from the Think Tank will be presented in engagement sessions which will be held on 27 – 29 July The citizens of Smithville are invited to attend the engagement sessions.
The Think Tank will be reconvened on 18 September in order to review the results gathered from the Engagement sessions and revisit the topics outlined in the Think Tank, held in June.
Read the Think Tank Report »

More Information

For more information about the City of Smithville Community Visioning project, please contact:

Nickie Lee, Assistant City Administrator
City of Smithville
107 W. Main St
Smithville, MO 64089
Tel: 816.532.3897