The City of Trotwood is located in Montgomery County, Ohio, approximately 6 miles southwest of Dayton and encompasses 28.4 miles in area. Founded in 1901, Trotwood merged with Madison Township in 1996 to become the largest city area-wise in Montgomery County, and fourth in population. The City of Trotwood is a community long defined by its entrepreneurial spirit and civic pride, governmental excellence and commercial success, and its small-town charm with big city advantages. With a current population of 24,431, this is growing community with a unique blend of urban, rural and metropolitan areas.
About the Project
About the Project
Trotwood’s Organizational Strategic Plan will represent the whole community, reflect core community values, address emerging trends and issues, imagine a preferred future, and promote local action. The Organizational Strategic Plan will direct efforts and resources toward a defined vision for the future employing a roadmap that is realistic, achievable and sustainable.
The visioning and strategic planning process aims to provide a response to the following questions:
- What should the City of Trotwood become?
- What makes the City of Trotwood unique and special and how can the City use these characteristics to prepare for the future?
- How will community stakeholder preferences fit into this vision?
- How should funds be invested and leveraged to build resiliency for the City?
The strategic planning process aims at a minimum to include the following:
- Identification of high leverage strategic goals
- Equitable inclusion of all strategic planning participants
- Facilitation of conversations with participants
- Support of strategic planning participants by facilitating the internal and external environmental assessments
- Communicating the work of the strategic planning participants and the results of their work
- Process that is on track, time and budget
- Ensuring the implementation and evaluation of the plan contains realistic and measurable indicators and metrics
- Framework for renewal of the vision, mission and core values
Future iQ’s Role in the Project
Future iQ has been contracted to guide the City of Trotwood in the process of creating of a new 5-Year Organizational Strategic Plan that involves:
- Background research and key data review
- Facilitation of a scenario-based City of Trotwood Future Think-Tank producing Scenarios of the Future Report
- Extensive community stakeholder engagement
- Community surveys to include as many community members as possible
- Data collection and analysis
- Focus Group to develop strategic goals and priorities
- Roadmap, key measures and implementation toolkits
- Five-Year Organizational Strategic Plan
More Information
For more information about the City of Trotwood Organizational Strategic Plan project, please contact:
Cheryl D. Wheeler, Assistant to the City Manager
City of Trotwood
3035 Olive Road
Trotwood, OH 45426
Tel: 937.854.7215