Key Factors – Nature of Change

Key Factors – Nature of Change

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘Expected nature of change of a range of factors for Trotwood’. The question was:

Do you think expected changes (over the next 10 years) in each of these factors, will be positive or negative for Trotwood?Scale: -5 = Very negative; 0 = Neutral; + 5 = Very positive

Key things to note:

  • Overall, changes in ‘Housing options and types of housing available’ was seen as being the most positive for Trotwood over the next 10 years. This was followed by ‘Strength of manufacturing industries’ and ‘Emerging technology trends such as robotics and AI’.
  • Overall, changes in all of the topics were seen as very positive, with the exception of ‘Changing long term weather conditions and patterns’.
  • All of the respondents aged between 20 – 30 years, believed that the ‘Aging population of the community’ was very negative for Trotwood, while those respondents aged between 71-80 years, predominantly saw ‘Aging population of the community’ as neutral.
  • The respondents aged between 20-30 years and 71-80 years were the age cohort who attributed more  importance to ‘Changing long term weather  conditions and  patterns’.

More Information

For more information about the City of Trotwood Organizational Strategic Plan project, please contact:

Cheryl D. Wheeler, Assistant to the City Manager
City of Trotwood
3035 Olive Road
Trotwood, OH 45426
Tel: 937.854.7215