Since June 2018, the City of Coppell has been seeking community input about the next 20 year strategic plan – Vision 2040. Complemented by over 1300 survey participants, and 400+ community members who attended workshops, a Think Tank of community stakeholders contributed to the development of 7 Strategic Pillars that will guide the plan. As the visioning phase wraps up, two community presentations will be held at the library to provide an overview of the engagement efforts and a sneak peek of the final report that will be presented to the Council on February 26. This is an opportunity to hear directly from the Vision 2040 consultant and Executive Committee members who have been working on the project.
With the guidance of a local-volunteer Executive Committee, the visioning phase was a wide-scale effort that offered over 30 opportunities to participate at varied locations across Coppell. Workshops were hosted on all seven week days as early as 10 a.m. and as late as 8 p.m. with opportunities such as virtual participation and language translation to encourage inclusion. The process also aims to be fully transparent with all reports, data, and other project information available on the 2040 project portal. These upcoming presentations will provide anyone who may be interested in the final plan a different way to learn about the approach and results in-person with a summarized format.