Consumers driving change – reshaping the food industry

Consumers Driving Change – Reshaping the Food Industry

There are increasing consumer sensitivities around an array of food related issues. Is this a developed world middle-class privilege, or part of a broader global trend?


  1. Joyce M. DuBois
    July 12, 2017 at 5:12 pm · Reply

    Hopefully part of a broader global trend. I am not middle class or a wealthy woman. I choose to spend whatever it takes to purchase my food at a local farmers market and at local co-ops. It is important to me for many reasons: my health, the health of my local community, the health of communities around the world, the health of the soil and the environment and humane treatment of animals.

  2. David Beurle
    September 8, 2019 at 5:11 am · Reply

    The mass urbanization of humanity has many impacts and implications. One such impact is the increasing disconnect between people and where their food is grown. The concept of local food systems is attracting more attention, with innovations abounding in urban agriculture and continued strong interest in local healthy natural foods. What role might farmer’s markets play in the future? Are they just a novelty for those with the time and money to indulge, or do they offer the chance for greater healthy food choice for large urban populations?

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Consumers driving change – reshaping the food industry

Through their purchase choices, consumers have the power to influence and drive changes in the food production, processing and supply chains. In developed markets, demands for safer and healthier foods are increasing. Responses such as local sourcing, improved animal welfare, fair trade and organic produce are also becoming more rapidly commonplace. Consumers with abundant food sources and the financial means have greater opportunities to make educated decisions about their purchasing power and food sources.

Source: International Food Information Council Foundation. 2012.

“The FAO “identifies five important consumer trends and purchase drivers (in food consumption): food safety and health benefits; corporate social responsibility (CSR); production systems and innovations; sustainability; and food origin.”

FAO. 2015. Consumers’ Concerns and External Drivers in Food Markets. Rome.

The Future of Food

The Future of Food has been produced by Future iQ as a foresight research paper. It examines a range of critical catalysts of change relating to the global food supply chain, and the potential impacts upon human health, the environment and food security.
Learn about the Future of Food Project »