How well is Iowa currently addressing the ‘drivers of change’

How well is Iowa currently addressing the ‘drivers of change’

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘How well is Iowa currently addressing the ‘drivers of change’’. The question was:

  • How well is Iowa currently addressing the following ‘drivers of change’?
  • Scale: 1 = Not very well; 10 = Very well

Key things to note:

  • The majority of respondents felt that Iowa was not doing well with regards to ‘Project Packaging Design Changes’.
  • ‘Increased producer’s/manufacturer’s responsibility for materials reuse and recycling’ was seen as the next driver that Iowa was not doing well on. This was followed by ‘More efficient product manufacturing and technologies’ and ‘Markets and Pricing for Recyclable Materials’.
  • Overall, all the drivers were scored in way that reflects Iowa is ‘not doing well’ in currently addressing the drivers of change.

More Information

For more information about the IDNR’s Sustainable Materials Management Vision for Iowa project, please contact:

Alex Moon, Bureau Chief

Jennifer Wright

Tom Anderson