Key Factors – Importance in Future

Key Factors – Importance in Future

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘Importance of a range of factors to the future of Mitchell’. The question was:

How important do you think the following factors will be to the future of Mitchell  in 2030?

Scale: 1 = Not at all Important; 10 = Critically Important

Key things to note:

  • A shorter timeline was used in this question as it would be easier for respondents to look out to 2030,rather than 2040.
  • ‘Job market and availability in the local area’, ‘Strength of agricultural industries’ and ‘Workforce and skills levels’ were seen as the most important factors looking out to 2030.
  • All factors with the exception of ‘Autonomous vehicle technology’ and ‘Changing long term weather conditions and patterns’, were generally seen as highly important.

More Information

For more information about Forward 2040, please contact:

Stephanie Ellwein, City Administrator
City of Mitchell City Hall
612 North Main Street
Mitchell, SD 57301
Tel: 605.995.8143

More Information

For more information about the overall project:

Heather Branigin, Project Manager
Future iQ