Importance of Strategy for Future Success (X Axis) x Level of Development in Sub-Region (Y Axis) x Time Frame to Implement Strategy (Size) – All responses
This chart combines responses to three questions to create an interactive scatter plot. The chart is structured as follows:
- X-Axis is the response to the question ‘Please rank the following strategies based on their importance to the future success of tourism in your sub-region’. The scale is 1 = not important; 10 = most important.
- Y-Axis is the response to the question ‘Currently, how well developed are the following tourism related aspects in your sub-region?’ The scale is 1 = not developed, 10 = highly developed.
- Size of the dot is the response to the question ‘Given we can’t do everything at once, what do you think would be an optimum and realistic time frame to implement the following strategies in your sub-region?’. The larger the dot, the more immediate the timeframe. The question scale was Now; 1-2 years; 3-5 years; 6-10 years; Over 10 years.
This chart presents the result distribution based on all respondents. There are filters on the right-hand side where you can explore the responses by different cohorts of survey respondents.