Carole is Future iQ’s American representative in the Greater Washington D.C. region. She has held executive marketing positions at major U.S. based entertainment and financial institutions, including PBS, Tri-Star Pictures, HBO, Columbia Pictures, and The Motley Fool, among others. She headed the marketing research department at Columbia Pictures and created the research department at Tri-Star Pictures as a founding staff member of the studio.
Carole has managed, conducted and participated in many strategic leadership gatherings with general managers, boards of directors, staff and thought leaders, in the U.S. and internationally. She is a recipient of the Cannes Golden Lion Award and a Bronze Effie, known globally as the pre-eminent industry awards for effectiveness and creativity in marketing and communications. Advertising Age recognized her with their Top 100 Marketers Award. A native Californian, Carole received a BA in Psychology from UC Berkley and an MBA from University of Southern California.