This chart shows the average scoring result for the test BETA projects. This chart brings together the four key impact scores into a single visualization. The chart is constructed in the following way:
- Destination Management Impact Score (X-Axis): Scale: 1 = low; 10 = High
- Collaboration and Inclusivity Impact Score (Y-Axis): Scale: 1 = low; 10 = High
- Sustainability Impact Score: (Color of circle): Scale: -5 = negative; + 5 = Positive
- Return on Investment (ROI): (Size of Circle): Scale: Small = low; Large = High
The keys for these scores are presented along the axis, or in the legends on the right-hand side. There is also a key for project names, that reflects the codes on the main chart. In addition, the drop-down menu at the top right-hand side allows you to select and deselect various Assessors.