Population Mix

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the Wayzata’s Population Mix. The question was:

In terms of future population mix and demographics, how would you like Wayzata to be in 2040? Please select your preference on the following continuum; from ‘1= An active-aging and healthy retirement community’, to a ’10= A diverse, mixed-age community attractive to families and younger professionals’.

Key things to note:

  • Over 80% of respondents believe that population mix should be geared towards a diverse, mixed-age community attractive to families and younger professionals. 20% of respondents believe Wayzata population mix focus on being an active-aging and healthy retirement community
  • From the written responses to this question, the highest levels of interest were on housing compatible with diverse ages and friendly activities

More Information

For more information, and to engage in further discussion regarding the Wayzata 2040, Sailing Ahead  project, please contact:

Mr. Jeff Dahl, City Manager
City of Wayzata
600 Rice Street East
Wayzata, MN 55391
Tel: 952.404.5300