Urgency for action

Urgency for action

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘Urgency for action’. The question was:

How quickly do you think community leaders need to adapt and pursue the vision? Please select your view on the following continuum; from ‘1= Not urgent right now’, to ‘2= Extremely Urgent’.

Key things to note:

  • There is quite a strong sense of urgency reflected in the result.
  • However, during discussions in workshops, many participants expressed the need to “get it right” versus “rush to a result”

More Information

For more information, and to engage in further discussion regarding the Wayzata 2040, Sailing Ahead  project, please contact:

Mr. Jeff Dahl, City Manager
City of Wayzata
600 Rice Street East
Wayzata, MN 55391
Tel: 952.404.5300