The New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration Think-Tank

The New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration Think-Tank workshop was held in Devens, Massachusetts on June 13, 2019. Approximately 25 members of the collaboration participated in this event.

The Think-Tank used a scenario planning approach to assist stakeholders in their understanding of the potential implications of various collaborative options and to explore the synergies in adjacent sectors. The Think-Tank provided the opportunity for stakeholders to explore how different futures could impact different locations within the 6 states of the New England Region.

Based on research and key input from members of the Collaboration, themes were identified to become the basis for the two axes of the scenario matrix. Think-Tank participants were presented with the scenario matrix, defined by the two key ‘Future Splitting Questions’, and illustrated by the continuum of each axis. The axes were defined as ‘Collaboration Focus’ and ‘Technical Approach’ Brief descriptions were also attached to the end points of each driver axis.

These dimensions have been described as:

  • Regional collaboration: Creating an intentional focus on region-wide collaborative efforts. Agencies reach across state boundaries seeking larger scale of collaboration. This encourages industry collaboration, both across sectors and within supply chains.
  • Multi-disciplinary approach: There is deliberate investment in developing an integrated multi-disciplinary approach to industry technical solutions. Resources are shared between technical clusters, and issues are explored in a systems-wide approach.

The description of the preferred Blended Systems future was: 

A highly multi-disciplinary approach to industry technical solutions and combining it with a high level of regional collaboration throughout the defense industry in New England. The resulting consolidation caused by greater efficiencies and shared resources and automation creates room for tremendous innovation across the sector. Ultimately, the value of multi-disciplinary regional collaboration is that it will create shared solutions that attract additional resources including a much needed skilled workforce to the New England defense industry.

The Think-Tank participants indicated that their expected future was Scenario A and D, while their preferred future was Scenario B – Blended Systems

The results of the Think-Tank deliberations will have significant implications for the New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration.

The challenge for the Collaborative will be to successfully transition the gap between the expected and preferred futures.

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration please contact:

David Beurle, CEO
Future iQ
Tel: 612.757.9190