Welcome to the Tillamook Data Visualization Platform

This platform gives access to the community and stakeholder survey data gathered in 2019, during the engagement phase of the planning project.

On this engagement data visualization portal, you can explore how people viewed a range of issues and factors, such as importance of sustainability, investment priorities and importance of topics. On some charts, there are filters on the right-hand side. These filters allow you to explore responses by different cohorts within the community. In some charts, you can hover over data points to reveal specific information. This visualization is intended to allow you to explore the data set and see what stakeholders think about a range of key issues.

There are two major data sets that constitute the data visualization. These are:

  • Community Workshops (n=48). These are surveys completed by people who attended one of the eight community workshops. These followed an extensive presentation of the planning work, think tank findings and group discussions.
  • Online Stakeholder Survey (n=224). The survey was offered online, and distributed via email by various relevant local organizations. People who completed this online survey may or may not have read the reports, or participated in discussions.

In most cases the surveys were identical, however several questions were presented differently in the two surveys, and this is explained in the following pages, where appropriate. The survey data has been combined, creating a data pool of 272 key stakeholder responses.

Key things to note:

  • Most charts have a filter tab on upper right hand side, that allow you to view the ‘Community Workshop’ data or the ‘Online Stakeholder Survey’ data, or combine these. The default setting for the filters is ALL, which will include all completed responses.
  • Cohorts are defined as major groups in the community that share similar profiles such as age group.
  • You can download a PDF of each page by selecting the download tab at the bottom of the chart. You can select the format of the download after you click on the file type.

More Information

If you have questions about the Tillamook County Tourism Investment Strategic Action Plan project, please contact:

David Beurle, CEO Future iQ
Phone: + 1 612 757 9190