The detailed investment prioritization survey is a critical part of gathering stakeholder input into developing the Tillamook County Strategic Vision and Action Plan for Tourism Related Facility Investments Services. This online survey complements the eight community engagement sessions held 19-22 March 2019; and builds on the Think-Tank workshop held on 15 February 2019. Please feel free to share the survey link with people who could also provide input.
Welcome to the Tillamook County Tourism Investment Strategic Plan Project
This project produced a Tourism Investment Strategic Action Plan for Tillamook County, Oregon
Over 50 local stakeholders contributed to the Future Think Tank on 15 February 2019. The Think Tank served as the starting point for the comprehensive stakeholder engagement process to further shape the Tillamook County Strategic Vision and Action Plan for Tourism-Related Facility Investments. The Think Tank Report has been published and is available to read and download.
Tillamook County Tourism Investment Strategic Action Plan – Final Report
The final report for the project has been released. This report, and the accompanying Decision-Making Toolkit, represent the final steps in this seven-month long planning process. This report has been produced as part of a larger planning process to develop a Strategic Vision and Action Plan for tourism-related facility investments services in Tillamook County.
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More Information
If you have questions about the Tillamook County Tourism Investment Strategic Action Plan project, please contact:
David Beurle, CEO Future iQ
Phone: + 1 612 757 9190