Heather Branigin began work with Future iQ in 2015 as primary researcher and author of Future iQ’s foresight publication The Future of Food, and recently co-authored The Next Industrial Revolution. She has extensive experience in local government and the non-profit sector, and is an accomplished project manager and research analyst. Heather has a well developed ability to assimilate information into thoughtful and coherent writing. She applies the integration of future trends, data analysis and public engagement into implementable strategy development for clients. Through her work, Heather seeks to provide that critical resourceful guidance needed to empower communities and organizations to make decisions that build sustainability and resiliency as they face a future of accelerations and change in all areas of life.
Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Heather grew up in a bilingual French immersion setting until moving to the United States where she also studied Spanish. She has lived in Switzerland and France, and has a keen personal interest in global systems and political participation. She has pursued this interest in international collaboration through her philanthropic work with the United Nations Association of Minnesota as Past President, Education Committee Chair and current Advisory Council Member.
Heather has an Honours Degree from Neuchatel Jr. College, Switzerland, a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Carleton College, Minnesota (USA), and a M.A. in Teaching Social Studies at the Secondary Level from the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota.