- The pandemic has highlighted equity issues with regards to air and water quality and the food supply chain. There has been an issue with resource availability and this has led to a return to resourcefulness and self-reliance (home baking and growing vegetables). This may be an elastic trend, but it would be interesting to see how this could be integrated into broader society after the pandemic.
- A widespread lack of knowledge about the supply chain contributed to resource scarcity as panic buying was extensive at the start of the pandemic. Early stages of lockdown, in the UK in particular, exposed how integrated and cross sector the food supply chain was. This was especially evident in logistics.
- The fragility of the food systems became very obvious, especially to countries which import food predominantly. Many systems were highlighted as being flawed, with migrant labour unable to travel for harvests in US farms and processing meat plants being a focus of covid-19 infection.
- The importance of local food production has been a ‘need’ arising from the pandemic. It is uncertain if this will be an elastic or inelastic trend. Perhaps this shows potential for more circular economy models in cities going forward.
Resource Cycle (Food, Air and Water, etc)
Summary of The Resource Cycle discussion from the previous consultation in January 2021
What are your thoughts on this topic? What do you think the solutions to this topic are as we move out of the pandemic?
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Removing policies that deny front yard gardens, which inspire many to start their own garden, is one of the most essential changes needed at the community level.
Absolutely. I totally agree. Starting one’s own garden and growing food at home is necessary, as we have seen from the pandemic. Plus it is also so rewarding and enjoyable.