Heat-map – Scenario Matrix Validation Chart – Cohort Data

Heat-map – Scenario Matrix Validation Chart – Cohort Data

This chart provides a method to validate the preferred future created via the heat maps. This ‘Scenario Matrix Validation Chart’ is created by building a preferred future from the answers to the ‘Critical Issues’ questions. These ‘Critical Issues’ questions are subsets of the scenario axes, and by recombining each person’s answers we create a unique X, Y average. This approach generates a notional Preferred Future, but one based on likely response to issues and expected behaviour in real-life. This provides a validation of the Preferred Future response based on the heat map diagram.

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the Coppell Vision 2040 project, please contact:

Molly Bujanda
City of Coppell, TX
Phone: 972-462-5165
Email: 2040@coppelltx.gov