Cultural Focus

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about Cultural Focus. The question was:

What do you think should be the ‘cultural focus’ of the community over the coming years? Please select your preference on the following continuum: 1= ‘Invests in existing residents and ensures people can ‘age actively’ within a city with a village feel’, to 10 = ‘Community embraces rapid demographic and cultural changes, evolving into a multicultural and integrated community fabric’

Key things to note:

  • Respondents below the age of 20 leant strongly towards the Community embraces rapid demographic and cultural changes, evolving into a multicultural and integrated community fabric.
  • Those who had lived in Coppell for less than 10 years also opted more strongly for the community embracing rapid demographic and cultural changes
  • Respondents who were most interested in Economic and Development issues and Education also seemed to be more interested in a rapid demographic cultural focus.

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the Coppell Vision 2040 project, please contact:

Molly Bujanda
City of Coppell, TX
Phone: 972-462-5165