The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee

An Executive Committee of residents plays an essential role in Vision 2040 being a community-driven process. This Team is comprised of a diverse group of community leaders, whose task it is to set the guiding principles and assure the process achieves the goals articulated by the community. This process aims to collect 1,000 meaningful pieces of feedback through a community survey, engagement sessions, and focus groups. The 2040 Executive Committee will ensure the process is inclusive and open to the whole community.

Each of the committee members are open to being contacted by residents who may have insight on how to engage Coppell in this visioning process. If you have questions or ideas on how to include your club, neighborhood, organization, or faith community feel free to reach out.

More Information

For more information or to engage in further discussion regarding the Coppell Vision 2040 project, please contact:

Molly Bujanda
City of Coppell, TX
Phone: 972-462-5165