Consumers willingness to pay more

Consumers willingness to pay more

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about the ‘Likelihood of consumers willing to pay more’. The question was:

‘Do you think the general public and consumers in Iowa would be willing to pay more to support a sustainable and environmentally protective approach to waste management?’ Scale: 1 = Not at all likely; 5 = Definitely would.

Key things to note:

  • Almost half of respondents were neutral (opting for 3) regarding consumer’s willingness to pay  more  to support a sustainable and environmentally protective approach (48%).
  • Those who identified with ‘private residents’ were more prone to think that consumers would pay more to support this approach.

More Information

For more information about the IDNR’s Sustainable Materials Management Vision for Iowa project, please contact:

Alex Moon, Bureau Chief

Jennifer Wright

Tom Anderson