Community Focus

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about Hilton Head Island’s community focus. The question was: Historically, the local interest and investment has been mainly driven and focused internally within resorts and residential areas. There is emerging interest in more investment in public amenities that create shared community infrastructure, and connect the island to the broader regional community. In terms of community focus, how would you like it to be in 2040?

Scale: 1= Maintain internal focus and investment on existing community infrastructure; 10= Outward looking focus that leverages new collaborations and shared infrastructure.

Key things to note:

  • The participants had a spread of views on the issue of Community Focus.
  • There was more agreement from the average point towards an outward looking focus that leverages new collaborations and shared infrastructure, with 58% of respondents leaning towards that end of the continuum.
  • This could reflect the diverse cross section of participants in the engagement process in relation to age, ethnic group and location. Younger cohorts, and those living outside gated communities leaned towards a more ‘outward looking focus that leverages new collaborations and shared infrastructure.’

More Information

For more information, and to engage in further discussion regarding the Hilton Head Island – Our Future project, please contact:

Emily Sparks, Project Lead
Town of Hilton Head Island
Phone: 843.341.4683