Residency and Years Living in Mitchell

Residency and Years Living in Mitchell

These charts show where the people who completed the survey live in relation to Mitchell and how long they have lived in the Mitchell area. Hover the cursor over each circle to see extra information.

Key things to note:

  • The majority of respondents lived in Mitchell, followed by those who lived on farms in the area.
  • The respondents who had lived in the area between 21-30 years and over 40 years made up the majority within the survey.

More Information

For more information about Forward 2040, please contact:

Stephanie Ellwein, City Administrator
City of Mitchell City Hall
612 North Main Street
Mitchell, SD 57301
Tel: 605.995.8143

More Information

For more information about the overall project:

Heather Branigin, Project Manager
Future iQ