Economic Focus

Economic Focus

Respondents were asked to respond to a question about economic focus. The question was: 

  • Like most communities, Mitchell faces choices about where to invest resources in economic development. What should be the future approach to economic focus?  Please select your preference on the following continuum. 
  • Scale:1 = ‘Focus on existing traditional industries (agriculture, tourism, service)’; 10 = ‘Expanding new economic opportunities and embracing new technologies’.

Key things to note:

  • This chart shows the collective results represent a relatively high appetite to a focus on Expanding new economic opportunities and embracing new technologies. 
  • The people who live in Mitchell skew more to the right end of the continuum, and people elsewhere skew towards the ‘focusing on traditional industries’. This is not surprising given many will likely be involved in these industries (Defined as agriculture, tourism and service). 

More Information

For more information about Forward 2040, please contact:

Stephanie Ellwein, City Administrator
City of Mitchell City Hall
612 North Main Street
Mitchell, SD 57301
Tel: 605.995.8143

More Information

For more information about the overall project:

Heather Branigin, Project Manager
Future iQ